The Deen Zone
Chairman Kaga of Iron Chef unveils a pile of sardines. Subtitles read, 'Today's theme is...SARDINES.'

The authoritative tinned fish mini-review! Just kidding -- this is just my non-expert opinion and tasting log. But if it helps you find a tin you like, well, that's great! :)

Table of contents:

Pollastrini di Anzio sardines in spiced olive oil (2023.07.07)

An opened can of Pollastrini spiced sardines in olive oil on a plate. Red MS Paint lettering reads, 'POLLASTRINI!' A red chili pepper drawn in MS paint appears in the corner.

An Italian tin this time! It is very similar across the board to the Nuri sardines I reviewed recently, although these are actually a little bit spicier! They're also a little bit smaller and firmer, which makes them easy to pop into your mouth whole from the tin! While I tend to prefer dines slightly more on the tender side, the flavor is really excellent here with great seasoning and a king of butteryness that I love.

These are in a similar price bracket to the Nuris, about $7.50 (USD) per tin. Also like the Nuris, they are available online or at World Market stores in US.

Recommended if: you crave a little more spice than most "spiced/spicy" sardines offer; you like eating sardines whole; you want to add Italy to your sardine atlas; you just want some really tasty and well-seasoned spicy 'dines!

Nuri sardines in spiced olive oil (2023.07.03)

An opened can of Nuri spiced sardines in olive oil on a plate. White MS Paint lettering reads, 'Nuri sardines in spiced olive oil.'

A classic tin from Portugal! Unlike some other spiced sardines form the Mediterranean (think Bela, Espinaler, Ramón Peña), these pack a mild but noticeable spicy punch courtesy of piri-piri chilis. They are also well-seasoned in general, and the bits of carrot and cucumber at the bottom of each tin are the perfect conclusion to a spiced Nuri sesh. The pilchards themselves are of substantial size with a tender texture.

These hand-processed sardines run about $7 (USD) per tin. For estadounidenses like myself, they are available online or at your local World Market store.

Recommended if: you've never tried this classic tin; you like sizable sardines that come apart easily; you prefer a little bit of heat and a lot of flavor with your spiced 'dines.